Update Contact Info

Update Agency Contact Info

Changing your agency's information affects you, your agency, PGI, carriers, and your customers. PGI has a process in place to ensure that when you do make a change, all the information gets updated in all the places it needs to so your business can keep running smoothly. Please fill out the form below to update your agency address, phone number, or email.

Information You Can Update Here

  • Agency Physical Address
  • Agency Mailing Address
  • Agency Address for 1099
  • Agency Email
  • Agency Phone #
  • Agency Principal Name
  • Agency Name in EZLynx
  • Agency Name for Taxes
  • Commissions Deposit Account
  • Sweep Account


Updating Contact Info is a shared responsibility between agents and Premier Group Insurance.

Please be aware that the timeline for the completion of updating contact information varies with each carrier.

PGI will update your contact information in:

  • EZLynx
  • QCommission
  • www.thinkpremierfirst.com
  • Paychex
  • Our internal customer management systems
  • Carriers where you are appointed under a house or PPP code

Agents are responsible for updating in:

  • State Department of Insurance
  • Carriers where you are appointed directly