07/30/2019 - Minimizing wildfire risk: 11 preventative measures for commercial policyholders

07/30/2019 - Minimizing wildfire risk: 11 preventative measures for commercial policyholders

Minimizing wildfire risk: 11 preventative measures for commercial policyholders

The pain of the 2018 wildfire season — now the most destructive wildfire season on record in California — is still affecting thousands of victims who lost homes, businesses and property. Worsening the situation, the widespread destruction and massive insured losses from the 2018 season succeeded an equally devastating 2017 wildfire season, hitting Californians and the insurance industry with a one-two punch.
Now, in the hottest, driest months of wildfire season, the risk for businesses and properties in wildfire-prone states like Texas, Oregon, Colorado and other western states is at its peak.
For businesses, natural disasters threaten more than just property damage. Business interruption losses could devastate an organization, and liability risks for employee safety are another high-priority.... Click below to read more! 

Article By: Property Casualty 360