03/29/2019 - State of the State - 2019

03/29/2019 - State of the State - 2019
March 30th, 2019 
To our Premier Agency Partners, and our Carriers and Brokers, Thank YOU for taking some time to hear the Premier State of the State for 2019 and even a bit beyond… 
We begin by saying Happy Birthday to all of our Premier Agents.  YOU are Premier!  Your Success is our Mutual Mission.  And this year Premier turns 20!  It was 20 years ago that Premier’s Founder, Youngdon Yun,  instituted a hallmark of Say what you will do and Do what you say.  
You will see in the video that this parlayed into something special with hundreds of Premier agency partners coast to coast, more than $300M WP, a #16 ranking amongst Personal Lines agency entities, andincredibly special relationships with our carrier partners, and also bringing forth the very best in Value to policyholders. 
The information in the video covers not only the State of the State, but also:
  1. Your proprietary Premier New Website – completely updated with things you asked for – self-service, videos, chat capability with each other, updated carrier partner overrides, and much more – Premier’s Playbook for Success!  
  2. There are simplified new Primers on an array of subject to get you quick-started fast and gong to that next level.  And displayed by your agency lifecycle, from New to Up and Running, to Expansion.
  3. Plus an all-important section for ALL AGENCIES and an Initiative calendar with so much more to come.  
The state of Premier my friends is strong and getting incredibly stronger each day.  And in Q4 we round out to year with our 2020 Vision Meeting to set the stage of what the 20’s will look like, and to arm you with the best tools to go out and WIN!
The agenda, guest speakers and breakout sessions will include Outside industry experts,  Motivational speakers, Keynote speakers who lead Fortune 100 carrier companies, Carrier and Agency Panels, and of course Agency Recognition & Celebration .
From Tech to Sales, and All the Change and Noise that is going on this is a MUST attend event.  It will help you to slay the dragon of competition and embrace change, both of which are being redefined.
Whether you are a Premier agency partner or a carrier please register today if you have not.  Space is running out.
Please complete the survey in the next week for breakout topics that interest you.  (Click Here)
In closing from all of us at Premier, we wish you the very best.   To YOUR Success!
600 17th Street Ste. 1425N | Denver, CO 80202
Office: 720-457-1101