03/09/2022 - Reminder: Transfer of Germania Boatowners Policies to Foremost

03/09/2022 - Reminder: Transfer of Germania Boatowners Policies to Foremost

3/9/2022 - Reminder: Transfer of Germania Boatowners Policies to Foremost


Reminder: Transfer of Boatowners Policies to Foremost


As a reminder to our agents, Germania began discontinuing the boatowners line of business on Sept. 1, 2021, for new business, and Feb. 1, 2022, for renewal business. A copy of the non-renewal notice is being issued to policyholders 75 days prior to the expiration date of their policy. 

We ask that you contact your policyholder prior to their receipt of this notice to inform them that Germania no longer offers boatowners coverage and that you are able to offer coverage with Foremost through Germania General Agency (GGA). 

The nonrenewal process of existing boatowners policies is expected to take one year to complete. A list of your agency’s existing boatowner policyholders is available from the Inforce Policy Mailing List found in GermaniaConnect > Reports. Agents are able to export this report from GermaniaConnect to Excel and filter for the Boatowners line of business. 

For agents' convenience, attached are two documents for reference:

  • A coverage comparison matrix between Germania’s existing boatowners policy coverages and the options being offered by Foremost
  • A document outlining the Foremost quoting process for these policies.


If you have any questions on coverage conversion, please contact Foremost. For other questions, feel free to contact your Germania sales rep.