01/04/2022 - State Auto - It's time to start selling more

01/04/2022 - State Auto - It's time to start selling more

 1/4/2022 - State Auto - It's time to start selling more



SA is on Fire in your state. Did you know? Write the heck out of it!


It’s time to start producing with State Auto. They Love Auto. They Love home. You can write it unbundled. It's time to show them a little love! 


On Auto: The Telematics discount maxes out at 50% and 16% of participants are earning that! 20% of participants are earning over 35% discount!!!!!!!!! Only 5% of participants get below 10% discount. It’s a No brainer to put that on every policy with results like that! If you are not Adding Telematics when you sell an Auto, you are letting the agent down the street win all day long! 



Liberty Mutual will be buying them next year and then it will take another few years to roll the product lines together. (I think earliest that will happen will be: 2024) You want to have this carrier in your arsenal for the next three years and you want to use it to strengthen your Safeco relationship as well). Carriers usually get competitive before and after a purchase. They also do a little house cleaning, so get some Auto production in with State Auto ASAP.  


Spend the next three months trying to place Auto with State Auto.